Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Reading

I just came back from a reading for a screenplay that my friend, Josh, wrote. Josh and I went to the same college and are very fortunate to be good friends with some extremely talented film majors from our school. Our friend, David, got me my FOX Prime Time screen debut when he was a contestant on the TV show On the Lot.


I forgot how brilliant and amazing these people are. Josh's script is fabulous and so full of his own heart, integrity and wit that I could hardly believe it. It was so funny and wonderful. I was in awe. He always writes a part for me. I am always pleased and flattered like crazy. Brilliant people thinking you are worthy is great, right?

So today is a good L.A. day. The sun is shining and it is very warm outside. Traffic on the 405 was not too bad. It took me long enough to get to Culver City from the valley that I could talk to my best friend from San Francisco on the phone, and watch the Getty go by without getting in an accident.

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